This is an alternate version of the video, When you’re lost in the rain. The A side of the vinyl builds off of the original video soundtrack, adding additional vocal elements and the B side is a recording from a peyote meeting my dad ran for me years ago. This vinyl and the original video, both drawing from Bob Dylan's song "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues," is about layers of experiences circling loss and longing as they are placed between images of landscapes and movement. In the song by Dylan, a stranger's listlessness and exhaustion are woven through and around Juarez, Mexico, and so too in this score are these stories woven around colonial discontent and uncertainty as they move through an uneasy negotiation with the strangeness of the American pioneer spirit.
The video was originally commissioned by Brianna Matzke for The Response Project, and the 7-inch vinyl version was commissioned by The IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts. Designed by Diagram Press.
This is a limited edition run of 125 copies.
They are available for $20. To order, contact emir@skyhopinka.com